How is this product unique?

It is a science and research-based patent pending combination of vitamins that work together to control blood sugar levels.

How does the product work?

Dual action, improves muscle glucose uptake and glucose utilization/energy production to safely lower blood glucose.

How soon will I see an effect?

It may take up to three months to see controlled sugar levels after everyday use.

What is the recommended dose?

After every meal if you are diabetic and one capsule after your biggest meal for pre-diabetics or as directed by your physician.

Are there any side effects?

NO- it is composed of safe and well-established vitamins combined in a unique formulation.

Is this prevention or cure?

Its prevention in pre-diabetics and helps lower blood glucose levels along with other medicines in diabetics.

Can the product be given to children?

Most children do not have high blood glucose. But since the nutraceutical is composed of safe and approved vitamins, it should be acceptable. Please consult a physician.

Can the product be advised to pregnant/breastfeeding women?

Probably yes, but check with a doctor before using.

What if i stop using the product?

No harm will occur but your blood glucose levels may increase again.

Can I buy the Divitiz vitamins separately and use them?

We strongly recommend to use Divitiz because it was developed after extensive R and D to provide a vitamin mixture in a very precise ratio to result in most effective sugar lowering.

Will Divitiz help against complications such as nephropathy, retinopathy and neuropathy?

The DCCT clinical study done in 1980’s with many patients had shown that controlling blood sugar decreases the severity of above conditions. This suggests that maintaining or lowering blood sugar has a direct benefit against related complications.